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My vet recommended a biome test to begin to figure out what wasn’t in balance with my 3 year old dog. We had red, itchy spots for months and kept treating the symptoms instead of the cause. When the test results came back, there were clear answers to what needed to be done. The consultation was insightful and we made a plan. The test and products are expensive, but worth it, as our issues are being treated and we can come out of this with a healthy pet. Definitely recommend.
I add mushrooms (Just Greens too) to my dogs food because they have multiple health benefits on their gut health, immune system fighting power, cognition and skin/coat heath.
My 13 year old cat had constant diarrhea after any type of stress. He lived on steroids and diarrhea meds. After the 30 day fecal transplant, he now takes the S.boulardii + FOS daily and his stool is completely normal and has been for over three months now. Even my vet is amazed. Thank you for this product!
As someone who has been working in the veterinary field for 18 years, I was skeptical. Having a dog that has been diagnosed with IBD and running out of options of what we could do to help him feel better. This test is well worth the money spent. His results weren’t good news so we knew we had to fix it. With the recommendations of Animal Biome, he has never felt better! He’s finally acting like a young dog should.
I am so glad I found this site called animal biome! The pill putty is so natural and my Daffodil really loves the chicken flavor !